A social campaign to launch Playskool’s new suite of products for toddlers aged 1 to 3, and drive engagement with Playskool as a brand that makes learning social and fun. With keen insights on our target of digitally-engaged moms, we proposed 3 concepts that tap into their wants and behavior: taking micro-breaks; making authentic social connection; being competitive. The integrated concepts covered the customer journey from awareness to engagement to conversion.
Concept 1: Friends Rock!
Calls on moms to get a band of kids together and enter a contest for a chance to win a 10k music boost for their community. The hub is on Facebook, and the ads are everywhere. At the FB app, moms can sign up their own baby bands, or find bands to join. They can also promote their bands with posts and create personlized posters!

Personalized Posters

Pandora Ads

Facebook App to create, join and promote the kids' bands

Concept 2: Play Days
Is a digital scrapbook that offers moms a better way to organize, view and share pictures, videos and comments. The curating is time-line and socially based, making this a fun, personalized and meaningful experience for her and her friends.

Concept 3: What A Star!
Is a video contest campaign where moms enter for a chance to win a 10K college fund. Rock*tivity provides an easy Facebook Video Maker App that does the cutting and mixing. All she has to do is upload her set of stills, pick the music and titles, and the end product is a fun and unique stop animation video. The App offers a new way to being creative, showing off her little star and winning!